Monday, June 13, 2011

Ode to Ireland

During Semana Santa this year, (mid April) I went road tripping in Ireland. It was one of the most magnificent experiences I have ever had. It will live in my memory and heart for the rest of my waking life. It was one hell of a journey - a trip where I discovered so much more than just a country... I discovered myself. So here goes a bit of that Muse that this country became:

In the land of so much history,
I dive in templar's trace.
Ruins of ages past -
Where myths and fairies reign.
Graceful in its vivid battle,
Beaten in Beauty's domain.
Intertwined in shapeless defeat,
Starved souls
Carved names...
Saints rising and breathing
Suns setting in rain.
Many moons have passed,
And un-rusted it remains.

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