Monday, June 13, 2011

Act Twenty

I wrote this backstage this past April. I was in a play written by my friend Cathie Smith The Millennial's (did I write that correctly - big debate on how the title was spelled!). In between my scenes I sat backstage doodling behind my script. This is a poem that was inspired by my life on stage.

Puppets they say,
"They're all puppets!"
Smile, Sit, Speak -
Too soon. Louder!
Lights up. Lights down. Done.
Puppets? Liars?
Masked thieves
Lines that don't belong to us.
Lives that don't exist -
"Who are the people that cry on stage?"
Players or actors?
Manipulated roles:
Laugh. Cry. Lie.
Puppets they call us.
Call us Artists.

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