Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Me 2.

I wrote this on February 4, 2003

i am: the worlds gate towards the sun’s shine
i think: about how tomatoes are red
i want: sum nail painting
i know: that the world is not round
i have: a wedgy
i wish: I had the power to stop time
i hate: the fact that im stressed
i miss: my boobs
i fear: that this stupid peach juice wont cool
i feel: the urge to pee
i hear: lupus
i smell: the essencial stuff my mom sprayed
i crave: money... and chocolate chip cookies
i search: for the truth inside the harp of life in which it plays often in my curiosity

i wonder: if I will dream tonight
i regret: nothing I have done.. I shouldn’t... im happy

i love: my life and everyone who has succeeded in making it amazing
i long: to get to drive by myself
i care: about everyone that I love
i always: exaggerate and randomnate
i am not: healthy right now...
i believe: my period will come soonnnnnn
i dance: when I feel like it.. especially when no one is watching
i sing: to break sum glass... and in the shower... and to annoy dende
i cry: when I remember memories that have passed by too fast and I didn’t enjoy them enough and when I miss the most important factors in my life: friends and family
i do not always: shave my legs... but I will start since its summer
i fight: with destiny creating my own fairy tale to live inside this broken bubble
i write: to write... a future book that will be published... ull see
i win: at making people laugh
i lose: I don’t... im cheap so I don’t loose money, but I do loose friends and I do loose stuff... and I do lose my mind
i never: stop... I am constantly loving and fearing and eating and hearing and writing and caring and thinking (well maybe not always... thinking)
i confuse: the heck out of everyone else
i listen: to my invisible friend
i can usually be found: sleeping in my bed or in front of the computer or around
i am scared: of not being there for my friends one day
i need: to get a life
i am happy about: having people that love me and care for me
i expect: to live in paradise

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